

5 On Friday

Hello Blog World!!  I promise I haven’t fallen off the face of the planet, I’m still alive and kicking!  Remember that time I opened a CrossFit gym while still teaching full time!?  Yeah that was a crazy, busy, fun time!! Oh wait, that’s right now!
So since I’ve been absent from the blogging world for {ahem} over 3 weeks now, let’s just jump back in with a little link up 5 On Friday love, shall we!?
1 – So I’m loving every minute of being at the box – coaching, meeting new members, working out there!!  But, things are just a tad busy so not only have I been absent from blogging, I’ve pretty much fallen off the face of social media! 
Home girl has no time.  I’m talking zero free time.  Between school, sprinting home to grab dog, squeezing in my own work out, coaching 2 evening classes, getting home around 9, making dinner and lunch for the next day, sending any emails or any CFP social media posts, showering and passing out around 11….yeah I’m pooped.  Happy!  But pooped :) 
There is a light though….we’re down to 1 hand.  I have 5 days left!  5!!!  Sweet glory hallelujah amen!
2 – The barista this morning accidentally made my latte a double.  I’m pretty sure that was actually a small Friday morning miracle!  I should have told her I love her.  Let’s be honest, I could pretty much use an IV of caffeine at this point.
3 – Little Scarlett Idalia should be here any day!  We’re all {not so} patiently awaiting the arrival of my newest little niece!!  I know my brother & SIL are ready to meet their baby girl & we’re all excited to add another girl to the brood!  My niece Roen’s excited to have a girl cousin since she’s holding her own with 3 little brothers!
4 – Season 7 of Dexter finally shipped to us last weekend!!  We’re already 4 episodes in and I can’t wait to watch more this weekend.  It’s weird to have a favorite serial killer, but I do!
5 – I may not be having a summer off as I have in the past since we now own a gym and all, but that doesn’t mean my summer to do list isn’t growing!  I have a few house tasks to accomplish and we’re planning to get a new bed for our master bedroom & {finally!} put together a guest bedroom.  I think I’m probably more excited about the guest bedroom than our own new bed, ha!  Of course my summer to do list will get its own post :)  You know I love a good list {or 12!} ;)
That’s all for today friends!  Hi 5 for Friday & Happy Weekend!!!


Midweek Randos

Happy hump day!  One of my fav days of the week....the weekend is in view :)

Between 2 jobs at the moment and my normal crazy train brain, I have lots of random things floatin' around in my noggin'!  Today, I shall spill a few.  In no particular order...

How cute are my new shoes!?!  They are Reebok Realflex Fusion Crosstraining shoes {purchased at a steal of a price here} and I am loving them!!

Berkley is quite the CrossFit dog.  He's been doing box jumps & burpees :)  I think he needs a CFP collar or shirt with our logo!  Hmm...where can I order one of these!?

Last Wednesday I got dinner with this pretty lady...

Alexa & I met for dinner and a drink or three :)  Clearly the guy behind us is real cool...thanks for the bunny ears old man.  We chatted away til almost 10!!  That was late for a school night, haha.

I've driven Rachelle a few times lately {lunch runs while working at the box} and man she rides real nice!!  I clearly used this dreamy filter in the pic because driving Rachelle is dreamy!

How spoiled is this little white fur ball!?  He's slept in the bed a few nights the past week which is new for him & us.  Probably a bad idea right!?  He got in his crate on his own last night so, we'll just have to see about all this bed sleeping!

CFP's website is live!!! - Check us out {and ignore the fact that it's still under construction & the horrible pic of me on the coaches page!}

Random enough for you!?  :)


Working Weekends

Y'all are too sweet!!  Thank y'all so much for all of your congrats, well wishes and excitement about our new big adventure!!  

I'm just so glad I can finally talk about it!  Hah, I felt like I was hiding something and keeping secrets - so it's nice to have finally spilled the beans :)

In CrossFit Pineville news...this weekend will be our soft opening!  We're offering free workouts at 9 & 11 this Saturday.  So if you're in town, bring a friend & come get your WOD on!  We'll be offering free classes the rest of May, so if you can't make it this weekend, you've got lots of opportunities!  And, our t-shirts are available for purchase :)

As seen modeled here by my sweet brosef!  They are grey if you can't tell from the yuck lighting.  And we have girl & guy fit.

Last weekend was the 3rd weekend of working at the box & trying to get it ready!  You could probably tell from some of the pics it has some a long way!!!  Most of the big stuff - all the painting, laying flooring, equipment delivery, etc - is complete!  Thankfully!  We still have a few loose ends, but we're excited to get things going!

To say the least, weekends have been busy and less than relaxing lately!  Haha, but well worth it! We've been dead tired Sunday nights, but are reminding ourselves that once we're up and fully running, weekends won't be as packed & soon we'll be in a new routine!

And no, this blog will not only be about CrossFit now.  It will continue to be a journal of our lives, which now includes CF!  But I promise it won't be all the time!

Brandon & I managed a much needed little date night this weekend...

We tried to partake in some delicioso Mexican fare for Cinco De Mayo, but one of our fav Mexican places {that shall remain nameless Cantina} said they were too busy to make our tacos in a lettuce wrap instead of a tortilla!  Rude.  I mean, the nerve.  Seriously!  So we had to settle for a margarita & dinner elsewhere!

Incase you've lost count, there are a mere 22 school days left!  Woohoo - I can see the light my friends! Hope your work week is flying by! :)


Big Huge Super Fun & Exciting Announcement!!!!

Friends!!!  I have a Big Huge Super Fun & Exciting Announcement to make!!

I have been {sort of} patiently waiting to make this announcement since January!!!!  January!  That's 4 whole months y'all!!!  Seriously, this has been the hardest {and worst kept} secret to keep from social media because it is life changing and so, so exciting!!

It's definitely contributed to my lack of blogging/blog content over the past few months as there's been so many days I've wanted to write about this venture so far, but I just couldn't yet!

But, now I can!!  The time has finally, finally, finally come where I can make my Big Huge Super Fun & Exciting Announcement that I have been holding in for 4 long months!!!

No, I'm not pregnant :)  Guess again!!

Brandon and I are going into business with our brother in law, Warren.  As of this month, we will be opening the doors to CrossFit Pineville!!!!!!

Crazy right!?!  So here's the {semi} quick & dirty back story on how all this came about....

Brandon and I are both obviously very passionate about health and fitness!  Unless you're new here, you've probably figured that out after reading about the races we've been in, the workouts I've done, the diet (or lifestyle really) I follow, etc.

We've always dreamed of being in the health and fitness industry, but just really didn't see how that might ever manifest itself since we both already had well established jobs in other fields.  However,
we were finally turned on to CrossFit towards the end of last year {even though a few of our friends have been preaching it to us to no avail for quite some time!} thanks to a killer workout at our friends' box {box = CF gym} in Michigan.  So much so that we were looking to get involved in a CF here and Brandon started looking into getting his CF Level 1 Trainer Certificate.

At my nephew's 3rd birthday party, Brandon was talking to Warren {who is not technically our brother in law, my brother Josh married his sister Callie, but for all intensive purposes it's so much easier to just call him our BIL :) } and they landed on the topic of CrossFit.

In talking with Warren, he'd been involved in CF for almost 2 years & had been coaching some classes up at CrossFit Huntersville for about a year.  He mentioned to Brandon that he'd been thinking about starting up his own CF, but just didn't have the money to do it at that point.  We left that party and that was sort of where the conversation stopped.

But about a week later, B finally told me about this conversation with Warren and thought maybe he should call him....Warren's CF knowledge, passion for health & fitness, & capital + our passion for health & fitness & our capital....this could maybe work!

Brandon and Warren met for dinner in mid January while I was out with some girlfriends and decided that night to go for it!!!  Let'd do it!  Let's open our own CrossFit Affiliate!!

So here we are!!  It's been a long, and fun and crazy experience already....and we're just getting started!!!

B and I spent my birthday weekend taking our CF Level 1 Trainer Course!

And we passed!!!

We have our location in Pineville & are currently working to get it WOD {Workout of the Day} ready!!

This past weekend, I took a Kettlebell course down in Atlanta and received my CF Level 1 Kettlebell Trainer Certificate!!

You can look up CrossFit Pineville and like us on Facebook here.  

Our website should be up and running in the next week or so & we hope to be open for some free workouts by the middle to end of this month!!  So if you're in the Charlotte area, I better see you in for a trial workout!!! :)

We are so excited for this adventure we're embarking on!  We feel so blessed and thankful that we're even able to do this!!

I'm so glad to have finally shared my Big Huge Super Fun & Exciting Announcement with y'all!!!  Super exciting, right!?! :)