

Remember when I used to blog!?

Well, hey there dear, sweet blog friends of mine!!  Are you still actually there!?  Still checking back to see if I've posted, updated anything, or am even alive!?

I assure you I am alive!!  Just super busy, living on caffeine & a prayer ;)

Remember when I used to have all this free time over the summer?  And before that, when I was in a good routine/flow with school!?  And when I actually, regularly posted on my little blog!?!

{Sigh} I sure do.  That was fun!

Between getting back in the swing of things (aka waking up at 520 everyday and working until 4ish), having a puppy, and trying to get my fitness on daily amongst the other gajillion things to do - there is so little time for blogging :(  wahhhhh!!  I've yet to even recap our weekend trip to Michigan :'(

I will eventually recap & share our pictures, but until then, I'll leave you with a little teaser...

Yes, Brandon & I are certifiably insane!!  Thought I was going to die!  But more on all that later :)

Ok friends, just bear with me while I get my school legs back on!  And don't worry, Stella Michelle will get her groove back ;)


Thankful Thursday

Well hello there little blog of mine!  I haven't meant to neglect you since Monday, but in case you've forgotten, right now is the beginning of the school year.  It's just a tad busy {that's sarcasm, y'all!} so, sadly I haven't had beaucoups of free time to sit & write!

But I thought it would be more fun to be thankful today, instead of griping about the easy, leisurely days of summer being ripped from my grasp... tear :,(  <-----that's a tear!

So today, I'm counting my blessings!  Here's what I'm thankful for....


1.  My job.  As challenging, under eye, dark circle provoking, and all time consuming as it is (see this post), I'm thankful to have a job, an abled body in which to use to work, and a paycheck at the end of every month!  Amen.

2.  Changing seasons.  There's just something about the change from summer to fall - the cooler temps, the football games, the smell of sharpened pencils!  Leaves changing, boots and scarves, chunky sweaters, and pumpkin things!  Oh yes, it might be my favorite.

3.  A pretty, working, non-peed-on phone.   It is so pretty!

4.  Friends who will watch our fur babies & treat them as their own.  This weekend will be our first time to leave Berkley!  Our friend Andrea & her kitty cat Oliver will be staying at our house to watch the babes!  She's sweet to give up a weekend of freedom to play mom to our fur babies (a puppy mind you!).  She's played mom to Benson, though, many times before :)  I know Benson & Berkley will love having Oliver over to play!

5.  A weekend away.  Brandon left yesterday afternoon for Michigan & I'm flying up Friday, mid day! We're headed up for B's Company's annual summer work party!  We were hoping to squeeze some family time in, but most everyone is busy when we're free :(  We're planning to make the best of it though and have an out of town date night!  Fun right!?


We're over the hump, friends!!  Happy almost weekend, y'all!


Weekend Recap!

Well friends, as always the weekend flew by and I feel like I need another weekend to recover from my weekend!  If only we could work that out somehow.  

But alas, today was back to work - we have lots of training this week and a different grade level is bringing breakfast each day!  That sure makes coming to work a little easier, knowing a yummy breakfast is waiting, hah, but not so fantastic for the waist line.  Whoops!  Thursday is open house & I get to see all my kiddos, and Friday I'm off to meet B in Michigan for the weekend - should be a good week! :)

But back to my weekend recap...

Friday night we fought off the rain & headed downtown to get our tailgate on!

My partner in crime :)  And a rude photobomber!


Andrea, Angela & moi

The men!

A sweet friend from school gave us their tickets for the night and we scalped a few more!  The game was so fun and my Panthers were looking pretty good!!

A little blurry but I love the background!

The night was going perfectly according to plan - rain held off, fun was being had by all, a new Panthers shirt was bought, the Panthers were winning (and won!), and then I had to go and ruin the night by dropping my phone in the toilet!!

Did you get that!?  Yes, I dropped my phone in a dirty pee toilet!!! 

You phone was in my back pocket, I went into the bathroom as we were about to leave the stadium, and as I was sitting, my phone fell out of my back pocket into the toilet.  Unfortunately, I did not see it at that point, and proceeded to pee on my phone!  {Sorry, TMI?!?  Haha}

Then, I stood up to fasten my pants and proceeded to turn & flush the toilet only to realize first, that, oh yes, that is my phone in the toilet & second, the toilet is FLUSHING!!!  Automatic flush!

Thankfully {or maybe not} my phone was too big & didn't flush down the toilet.  So you better believe after it flushed I stuck my hand down in that dirty pee toilet and grabbed my water logged phone!  

I was basically in a state of shock!!  I have a mild {ok, extreme} addiction to my phone and never in my 10 years of owning cell phones have I completely ruined one.

Until Friday night.

Upon getting home, I put my phone in a bag of rice and it stayed there until about 4 pm Saturday.  I tried plugging it into my computer, but nothing would happen!  The apple would pop up, then go away, but even when it popped up it looked...wet.  Haha.

So I spent the weekend phoneless and contemplating my options.

Saturday, we attempted to sleep in and I attempted to pretend my phone wasn't ruined!  We watched a few episodes of Dexter Season 6 (!!!) and finally convinced ourselves to work out.

We had friends over Saturday night to cook out & Berkley got to meet 2 doggy friends, Rookie & Hugo!  I'd love to show you pictures, but I didn't have a phone, so therefore none were taken :(

It was fun to hang out, watch the pups play, and just enjoy each other!!  We have some great friends!

Sunday was a lazy morning with more Dexter & I went to upgrade my phone :/  Thankfully, I was eligible for an upgrade, but I upgraded to the white iPhone 4S (I had the iPhone 4) which wasn't exactly cheap.  


B was none too thrilled.  Expensive mistake friends!!!  PSA - Ladies, do not keep your phone in your back pocket when going to the restroom!!  Please and thank you!  You're welcome :)

We finished our Sunday off with a long workout, the grocery store, some laundry, and fighting off the Sunday night blues!  

Another work week, but B is home tomorrow night before flying out Wednesday, I have a working phone & a great week ahead...I guess I can't complain!

Happy Monday, y'all!


Friday's Letters

I'm linking up again today with Ashley at Adventures of Newlyweds for Friday's Letters!

Shall we...

Dear Husband, thanks for supporting my leisurely summer off of work!  I'm excited to once again be contributing to the bank account instead of sucking it dry ;)

Dear Summer, Remind me how you slipped away so quickly!?  I knew it would happen and every year it truly goes a little quicker than the last!  Thanks for the memories though, they're priceless :)

Dear Friday, Even though it was only a 2 day work week, knowing it was Friday made the alarm sound friendlier and the rolling out of bed a little easier!

Dear Teacher Workdays, Thank you for slowly easing me back into a work schedule!  I think with one more week of workdays, I just might be ready to hit the ground running with students.  Ahh!

Dear Berkley, I can't lie, I'm sad your other ear popped.  :(  I knew this day would come, now I feel like you're all grown!  And don't worry, I'll beat up any kids who make fun of those big'll grow into them!  I hope.

Dear Panthers, I've got my jersey laid out for tonight, the cooler is ready to be packed & we're rip roarin' ready to go!  It may only be pre-season, but this girl (and my people) will be cheering like it's the real deal!

Dear Weekend, I love you!

That's all!!  Happy Friday y'all :)


Summer "To Do List" Update

Since today's my last day of summer vacay, I thought it would be fitting to do an update on my Summer "To Do" List and share what I finished!

1 - Clean out my email.  Check!  Although it's already starting to pile up again...never ending process I guess :)

2 - Complete the Photo Wall in our bedroom.  Check!  You can read all the details and see pics here!

3 - Make a desk for our bedroom.  Totally scratched that idea!  After completing the photo wall, I decided I'd rather have a long bench or low table underneath it instead of a desk.

4 - Spray paint the door knobs & hardware in our house.  Downstairs - Check!  We are about halfway through with this project!  

The downstairs is complete except for the deadbolt on the back door (does anyone have any clue how to get those off!?) and we're almost complete with all the doors in our bedroom.  12 doors down, 11 to go!

This project is not hard at all, just time consuming as the summer humidity makes it take longer for the spray paint to dry!  Brandon has kind of adopted this project, so knobs and hardware are only getting painted on the weekends when he's home.

We love, love, love how it's looking, though!!  We feel very DIY savvy ;)

5 - Get a chair for our family room.  Check!  We ended up getting this chair this past weekend!

I originally wanted a colorful, printed chair; but after lots of looking, nothing could be shipped within a timely manner & this one was on sale and is very comfy!!  It's from By Design.

Ben's in his lion perch :)
Since the chair isn't colorful, I added some colorful pillows!  I'm still trying to decide if I love it and may keep looking for something I like better.  We can always move this chair to our bedroom if I find a different chair down the road.

6 - Organize our closet & create a jewelry wall.  Check!  God Bless us, we have a huge stinkin' closet and this girl right here isn't complaining!!  As of today, closet updates are finally complete!  

I organized all my clothes several weeks ago and hung the jewelry wall 2 weekends ago.

neutrals and pants way down there

Jerseys, scarves, and light jackets 

Colors!  And dresses

Here's my shoe wall just for fun :)

jewelry wall

Then today, I picked up the final jewelry organizational pieces - these 2 dishes from World Market to hold my bracelets and earrings on top of my dresser!

Without the dishes, my earrings and bracelets were all over my circle plate - it was a confusing mess! I love the way it looks now!

7 - Change the title for my car to be solely in my name.  Unfortunately, this task is not complete!  I did pay off my car (yay!!) back in July and I've been waiting to receive the title in the mail ever since.  Thankfully, I decided to call and check on it and they told me it had been 'returned to sender'!  Weird considering they had the correct address!?

It should be in the mail now, though.  Sadly, I now have to pick an afternoon after school to spend at the lovely DMV.  Joy!

8 & 9 - Get a queen box spring, mattress, & railings and make a headboard for the guest bedroom. Ha. Haha. Hahahaha.  I knew this one wasn't going to happen!  Not this summer anyways! But it is still on my house 'to do' list.....for one day :)

So since I scratched #3 and I knew 8 & 9 probably wouldn't happen, I completed 4 1/2 tasks out of 6.  Not too shabby!  

Truthfully, I'm just thankful to have a summertime to relax, vacation, complete some "to do's", and rejuvenate before heading back to teach my kiddos!

I'm convinced summertime was really invented for teachers ;)


Last Weekend of Freedom!

Sounds dramatic, huh!?  Our weekend really wasn't.  Just for effect ;)

But truthfully, it was my last Sunday night where I didn't have a care in the world or a thought of work the next day!  Gone are those Sunday evenings.

We did have a great weekend, though!  As always, it went by quickly!

Friday night, Berkley helped me read up on potty training...

And from what I was able to actually read, looks like we're doing a lot right!!  So that's encouraging!  Just takes time for puppies to fully get the hang of it.  But slowly & surely, we're getting there!

I made THE best pizza in the world.  Ok, I can't lie, I don't really know if it's the best pizza in the whole world.  I am quite a pizza connoisseur, though {home girl really likes some pizza!} and this pizza was amazeballs!!

Pesto, Goat Cheese, Chicken Pizza

The recipe hails from Christina at Carolina Charm.  She & her hubs actually made a Portobello Mushroom, Pesto, Goat Cheese Pizza - but I do. not. do. mushrooms!  Oh gag, I've tried, but I just can't like them!!

So we subbed chicken for the portobellos, and again - SO good!!

Saturday morning was nothing short of fantastic...

I woke up with some coffee and a side of Zack Morris :)  Saved By The Bell reruns were on so B and I dozed on the couch all morning before finally getting busy.

I proudly repped my team during my workout and then B and I went shopping for a chair for our living room!  More on that later...

We played with our floppy eared boy...

Still one floppy ear for now :)

...before heading up the street for some wings, beers, & football!!  My Panther's didn't win, but it is only pre-season and my QB Cam-ron only played a few series.  I'm ready for the game this Friday! Woo!

Sunday, I was lazy bones.  No working out or cleaning or nothing!  And we had breakfast for dinner!!  Happy girl & happy belly :)

This morning I met Ashley, little D & Rachel for breakfast at Panera then we pooled it up a bit!  Gotta squeeze all the summer fun I can into these last few days.

I managed a trip to Trader Joe's, cleaned all the bathrooms & got in a good workout/run.  I'd say it's been a good Monday!

Hope y'all had a great weekend & a super easy Monday!


A little Friday love...

Happy Friday y'all!

Good news - you made if through the work week!!

Sad news - by next Friday, I, too, will have also made it through a work week...eeep!  A 2 day work week nonetheless, but my summer will be over and I will have returned to work.  Common Core & Lesson Plans & Scheduling...Oh my!! :)


Since it's Friday and all good things are summarized in this day of the week as it surely begins the weekend, I thought I'd share just a little of what I'm loving this week...

1. First & foremost I'm loving the feedback I received on my last post.  It's sometimes hard to convey your true tone or the meaning behind any "serious" post per say.  

I, by no means, was digging for pats on the back or props for my job & would never want to minimize anyone else's job!  I certainly could never be a nurse {Change a bedpan or clean up vomit!?  Eww, no thanks!}, salesman {Oh, you're not interested in my product?  Ok, sorry I ever bothered you!}, police officer {Me? Take down criminals weighing in at 285 and 6'3 with my 5'1 self!? Ha}, or many other professions!

But I think y'all really understood my tone and that I just needed to write from my heart on that subject :)  So thanks!

2. I'm loving the clothes I got Wednesday when I did a little back to school shoplifting ;)  

Next Thursday means wearing actual clothes every day again & not lounging in my pajamas until I decide to put my workout clothes on, so I thought a little back to school shopping was in order and Brandon obliged :)  

I stopped by Old Navy & NY&Co {they're having their annual BOGO Pants Sale!} Here a few of the treasures I got...

Yep, these are the same shirt & I got 2 different colors :) 

This tank was 5 bucks!  And I got a new cardi in navy, but couldn't find it online!

3. I'm loving that it's August & that means one thing....FOOTBALL IS BACK!!!  The Panther's have their first pre-season game this Saturday!  Woohoo!!  We're not going, but we are going next Friday night when they play the Dolphins!  I can't wait!!  Are you ready for some football!?!?

New logo!!

4. I'm always loving these 2 stinkers...

....but that goes without saying!

5. I'm loving the summer thunderstorms each night!  It's perfect to relax on the couch with a book & the Olympics playing in the background :)  Although I'm not loving potty training a puppy in the monsoons each night!  Ugh!!

6. I'm really loving my healthy eating habits this week!  Feel like I'm finally back on track from vacations, summer & eating pretty clean again.  My waist line says Amen.

That's all I've got for today, friends!  May your weekend be warm, sunshiny & blessed!


Why I almost quit teaching...

This post has been heavy on my heart for some time; been writing itself in my head, and finally now, I'm getting pen to paper {or rather fingers to the keyboard, if you will!} to share it.  It's a long one, so pull up a chair, couch, whatever :)

But before I share, let me first clarify a few things.  The following are my opinions and my opinions only.  They do not reflect the district or the school that I work in, as I work with some fantastic teachers, of whom I would entrust my own child!!

I, in no way, want to diminish any one else's profession and am fully aware that each and every job has it's own stressors and every job holds a certain importance in the world, to the person who holds the position, to the family that job provides for, etc.

And when I speak of society, I am referring in general to modern day America and the taxpayers, parents, and students who contribute to public education.  Obviously, not everyone holds the same opinions on public education, teachers, schools, etc.  I am just speaking of society in general.  And am in no way arguing public v. private school.  Just my thoughts on teaching.

Ok, now with all of that out of the way, I want to tell you why I almost quit teaching...

I went into teaching because I love kids and I love seeing them learn!

 I first figured this out in high school when I was an after school counselor at a local YMCA here in Charlotte.  I loved that job and I loved those kids!  I built such rapport with my students and they trusted me.  I was able to teach them things!  Some school stuff, some stuff about life, some stuff about God.  I loved seeing them grow and gain knowledge.  I was a teacher already and I didn't even know.

One of my favorite quotes is "The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be given the wish to learn." spoken by John Lubbock.

Another is "Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it'll spend it's whole life believing that it is stupid." from the mouth of Albert Einstein.

These quotes speak volumes as  to why I went into education and the latter, as to why I went into specifically special education.  I whole heartedly believe that every student can learn!  It may not be at the same pace or to the same level.  But every student can learn!

So there lies the great challenge for teachers.  We have students from all walks of life stride into our classrooms...some enter from affluent families who've been read to since they were in the womb and sitting right next to them, quite possibly, is the child who's lived in poverty their whole life and has seen and experienced things no child should be exposed to.

Teachers have students walk into their classroom reading 3 grade levels below grade level and lacking necessary foundational skills to build upon in order to continue with further math instruction, as well as students who are performing above grade level and need to be challenged so they don't sit with idle hands.

Part of me really believes that doctors, nurses, and teachers have the hardest professions in the world!  Again, not diminishing anyone else's job, but doctors, nurses, and teachers - we're all given these lives that we're in charge of.  Teachers are expected to mold these lives into valuable, productive, contributing members of society, to nurture them into adults with a wish to continue learning, and sometimes - like a doctor or a nurse - teachers can be their life saver.

This is a huge task.

And it's even more of a huge task today than in the past as teachers are no longer just responsible for teaching the 3 Rs - reading, (w)riting, and (a)rithmetic.  Teachers today do not just teach academics.

Teachers are now responsible for teaching behavioral and social skills {and breaking up fist fights}, how to treat and speak to peers and adults {and no, its not ok to call your teacher a b*tch under your breath}, critical thinking and problem solving skills {and how to walk away from that kid that was making fun of you}, and crucial life skills that often are no longer taught at home {and that in life and school there are consequences for your actions}.

All the while with looming standardized test scores, student growth, and budget cuts breathing down our back.

Students have absent parents, parents who dropped out of school, are illiterate or speak another language.  Parents who do not value education because the education system failed them.

And I don't mean to place blame on parents.  Some parents aren't home because they're working two jobs to support their family or they can't come to school meetings and functions because they don't have a car.  I'm not trying to place blame.

But it's hard to explain the magnitude of the job that teachers are entrusted with.  Teachers, much like myself, graduate from college enthusiastic and think they're ready for the classroom, only to find their classroom managements skills are sub-par and they didn't have the training they needed, or the resources, or the curriculum knowledge, etc.

So teachers leave.  

According to this article {which I really enjoyed reading!  If you have 20 minutes give it a read.}, 30% of new teachers leave the profession after 3 short years.  More than 45% leave after just 5 years.  And here's something shocking, according to the article, "less than 20% of teachers who change schools or leave the profession cite salary as their primary job complaint."

You see salary isn't the problem {well it is, but it's really a whole different topic completely}, the problem is it takes a village to raise a child, and society is leaving it solely up to the teachers.

Raising a child is a monumental job and there is not enough free time in the day for me to raise my students!  I fight every single day of the school year to find a balance; balance between getting things accomplished after school when the students are gone and I'm no longer teaching {ie. lesson planning, collaborating with my co-teachers, staff meetings, parent meetings, paperwork, etc} and having a life for myself - working out, cooking dinner, seeing friends, playing with my fur babies, spending time with my husband.

I could easily spend 11 1/2 hour days in my school building if I let myself - 7am to 630pm when the custodians lock up.  And many days when I leave at 430 or 5 I end up feeling guilty because there is more I could be doing.

And all of this nearly defeated me.  The weight of my job, the things that are out of control in the lives of my students that I can't change, the lack of time to accomplish what I needed to get done {both professionally and personally}, the expectations.  It wore at me and I almost became part of that statistic above.

This past spring I had an opportunity presented to me which I very seriously considered taking.  It would have been a complete career change and meant more money eventually.  I could potentially make my own schedule, work with adults, take lunch breaks, pee when I wanted.

But then, I'd just be another statistic.  I'd be letting society win and tell me that I'm not enough to change the system.  And while that's probably true, I'm not enough to change the system, I am enough to change the lives of my students for the 7 hours I have them each day.

I can't change their home life, their parents, their hardships.  But I can teach them and empower them each day when they're at school.  It sounds cheesy, and maybe it is.

I am by no means 'teacher of the year', I'm still learning and growing for sure.  But I am a good teacher with good intent and that is what my profession needs.  The education needs good teachers who are willing to stick it out and fight for their kids, for the 8 - 10 hours a day they're at work, for the betterment of society.

So I'm not quitting teaching.

I can almost certainly say I won't last 30 years in this profession.  My dream has always been to be home with babies one day, but from now until Brandon and I start a family and, Lord willing, our finances allow me to stay home, I will keep teaching.  I believe it's where my talents lie and I should use them to their full potential.

Maybe I'll return to teaching one day after babies, maybe I'll surprise myself and never quit teaching.  I really don't know.  But I won't become a damaging statistic and just walk away.  Not today.


A Weekend at Home

We had a pretty quiet weekend at home over here - it was very relaxing!

I'm just trying to soak up every free and quiet moment & really enjoy it as my summer is slipping away!!

Saturday we slept in as late as you possibly can with a puppy {so, not very late!} and got in a good workout!  Then B did lots of yard work while I cleaned the house.  

We also had a lawn service come out and evaluate our yard and they should be sending us a quote.  With B traveling as much as he does, he spends a lot of his at home time working in the yard - no fun!!  Plus, fall is approaching which means things like aerating and seeding and fertilizing - so things we know nothing about!  Haha :)

I mean, seriously!  How cute is this guy!?

We spent Saturday night hanging with this guy!  I'm sure his other ear is going to pop any day now, but I'm thinking about taping it down so he keeps one up, one down forever!! ;)

We thought about going to dinner & a movie downtown Saturday night, but we figured that might be a little too long for little guy to be locked up just yet.  Instead B cooked dinner, poured me some wine & we watched episodes of Shameless - our latest series obsession!


And finally, Dexter Season 6 is available this month!!  Woohoo - we'll be all caught up just in time for Season 7.  We don't watch a lot of TV around here or anything ;)

Sunday, we woke up slow, already looking forward to Lasagna leftovers for dinner {fatties :)} watched some DVRed shows, and finished off the first season of Shameless.  I made some delish Banana Bread & hung my jewelry organizers!  Love, love, love!

B is off for his travels for the week and I'm planning to take full advantage of my last full week of summer!

Happy Monday, friends!


Friday's Letters

Today I'm linking up with Ashley from Adventures of Newlyweds for her weekly Friday's Letters link up.  

I recently came across Ashley's blog and she's become one of my new favorites, so I'm excited to link up today!  I really like her writing style and, like myself, she married a Michigander :)

So anyways, here are my Friday Letters...

  • Dear husband, thanks for the impromptu date night last night!  It was nice to wine and dine with you at a new spot on a random Thursday night and reconnect after your travels.  You always make Thursdays a bright spot in my week!

  • Dear Berkley, you are just the sweetest, cutest pup we could probably ever find!  We're glad you're a Shuck now :)

  • Dear Benson, you are not forgotten my friend!  I know you're uber jealous you can't go outside like your bro, but you must always be an indoor kitty as we live right near a busy road!!  I also know you don't understand that, so we'll continue to block your attempts to escape out the door each. and. every. time.  Sorry I'm not sorry!

  • Dear A. Liz Adventures, thanks for blogging about the Free Monogram Printable you found on Pinterest!  Because of you, this pretty now adorns our mantel and I feel as though it is finally complete.  Yay!!  Thank you, thank you!

  •  Dear Aunt Stacy, thank you for sharing your lasagna recipe with me {multiple times}!  I managed to save that email from last time and print it off for safe keepings.  We're having lasagna tonight for dinner - and I'm super pumped!!

  • Dear Olympics, I've really grown fond of you over the past week!  You and your athletes and their discipline is motivating!  So far, Swimming, Diving, Volleyball, and obviously Gymnastics are my favs.  

  • Dear Erin Gloria Ryan, thank you for writing this hilarious and mildly inappropriate article about every American girls' eye candy during the Olympics, Ryan Lochte.  I laughed hysterically while reading.  If you are easily bothered by language {or content...ahem!}, maybe just skip that link ;)

  • Dear summer, please don't leave just yet!  School is quickly approaching, and while I'm always excited for a new beginning, saying goodbye to summer is always a sad, sad song.

  • Dear weekend, I'm so glad your here!!  You are, as always, my favorite!

  • Dear reader {that's you!}, I hope you have a wonderfully, fantastic weekend!!  :)


Oh the place you'll go...

Over this summer, I've seen a few other bloggers recap all the places they've traveled alongside their significant other.  I've loved seeing all the places each blogger had been & I like the idea of keeping a log of all the places Brandon and I have I thought I'd follow suit!

A few places are obvious repeats (MI, VA), but each trip was unique so I wanted to document the repeats anyway.

Hopefully, as we travel more over our lives to new, different, and exotic places (a girl can dream right!?), I can come back and update this post :)

Since March of 2009, when I first met Brandon, we've traveled to...

Matoaca, VA - Lake Chesdin - June 2009
My cousin Ashley's HS graduation - and the first of many trips to the lake

Myrtle Beach, SC - July 2009
A first for B, although I'd visited many a time!

Folly Beach, SC - September 2009
When my love affair with Folly Beach began

Crowder's Mountain & Chimney Rock, NC - September 2009
Hiking on Labor Day

Grand Rapids/Hudsonville, MI - December 2009
Meeting B's family for the first time!

Crystal Mountain, MI - December 2009
Squeezed in a little skiing while in the Mitten :)

Beech Mountain, NC - January 2010
A little local ski day trip!

San Juan, Puerto Rico - April 2010
My Spring Break & a very memorable trip - where we got engaged!!

Atlanta, GA - June 2010
A weekend in the ATL & the Tigers vs. the Braves

Matoaca, VA - Lake Chesdin - July 2010
Back to the lake - my family vacay

Hudsonville, MI - August 2010
Our Michigan wedding shower :)

Folly Beach, SC - September 2010
Labor Day Weekend at the beach with good friends!

Blacksburg, VA - VT - October 2010
Central Michigan vs. VT

MTNs of NC - November 2010
A weekend in the Mountains 2 weeks before the Big Day!

Negril, Jamaica - November 2010
Our Honeymoon!

Hudsonville, MI - December 2010
Our first married Christmas in Michigan

Myrtle Beach, SC - December 2010/January 2011
New Years at the Beach

Greenville, SC - February 2011
A weekend away

Atlanta, GA - March 2011
Visiting my Parents

Spring Break & my first visit to Universal Studios!

Blacksburg, VA - VT - May 2011

Durham, NC - July 2011
Durham for the night for a Durham Bulls Game

Corolla, NC - OBX - July 2011

Grand Rapids/Husdonville/Muskegon, MI - July 2011
B's Company's Summer Work Party & my first helicopter ride!

Nashville, TN - August 2011
Traveling with B up to MI for a long weekend with the fam

Hudsonville, MI - August 2011

Virginia Beach, VA - September 2011

Detroit, MI - October 2011
Our friends Ryan & Kelly's Wedding Weekend

Hiking & Camping

Asheville, NC - November 2011
Our 1st Anniversary Trip and a visit to The Biltmore!

Rothbury, MI - December 2011

Hudsonville, MI - December 2011

Naussau, Bahamas & Key West, Florida - April 2012
B won a cruise through work so we took it over my Spring Break from school!

Matoaca, VA - May 2012
Up to the Lake for E&R's Engagement Luau

Folly Beach & Charleston, SC - June 2012
Our favorite spot

Blacksburg, VA - VT - June 2012
Erin & Ryan's Wedding Weekend

Virginia Beach, VA - July 2012
July 4th at the Beach!

Carolina Beach, NC - July 2012
Family Beach vacay

Unless I've somehow left out a trip that I just can't remember, that's every trip we've taken together!  Each has been so fun and special in it's own here's to many more trips together, babe!